Tuesday 18 June 2013

Wanted Crawlspace (2012) English Horror Movie

Watch Crawlspace (2012) Full Movie

Watch Crawlspace English Horror Movie Online !

This Crawlspace movie released on 1986-05-21 starring by Klaus Kinski as Dr. Karl Gunther,Talia Balsam as Lori Bancroft.,Barbara Whinnery as Harriet Watkins

Rating: R/10

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Crawlspace Movie Information:

A homicidal maniac doctor specializes in murder and owns a peaceful boarding house for lovely aspiring actresses. They feel safe and comfortable there. Little do they know, the good-doctor is getting his jollies by crawling through narrow spaces between the walls peeking at them through the heating vents. Sometimes he likes to shake the women up by making scary noises in the vents and blaming them on rats. The poor women also do not know that he is also a sadistic killer with a taste for slow, gruesome torture and clever traps. The whole nasty situation comes to a head when a Nazi hunter begins to trail him. Although the doctor himself was never a Nazi, his father was a wanted war criminal. Later it is revealed that the physician feels that he is predestined to follow in his father's grisly footsteps. He proves this after every killing when he plays a game of Russian roulette with his revolver. Each empty chamber is an affirmation that he is doing what he should. ~ Sandra Brennan, Rovi

Crawlspace (2012) Official Trailer :

Poster From Movie

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